Till Nowak has created a masterpiece “Salad”, digital image of Alien made out of vegetables.

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Halloween Candy

Cockroach Clusters

  • 12 ounces chocolate chips 1 teaspoon grated chocolate 1 cup raisins 2 cups thin pretzel sticks, broken into 1-inch pieces Place chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on HIGH (100% power) for 2 minutes. Stir. Continue microwaving in 15-second increments until chocolate is almost completely melted. Remove from microwave and stir grated chocolate into melted chocolate. Stir in raisins and pretzels. Drop mixture by tablespoons onto wax paper. Let stand until firm. Makes about 35 clusters.

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Enjoy Time Warp



Thing 29

I had a lot of fun doing this-no messy paste, easy editing and manipulation of images... I think it's bringing out a bit of creativity that I didn't know I had. Definitely going to use this one.Used Photobucket and also posted to flickr. I had another one with birds and flowers but I accidentally deleted it. I'm having a problem posting a new one that I did directly to my blog from scrapblog. I've had to upload the photos to flickr and post from there. Anyone else having a problem? Jay


Thing 3 Habits of Lifelong Learning

I listened to the tutorial in the beginning but forgot to blog about it because I wanted to get started. All of the habits are important but to me the most essential is a positive attitude. I learned that years ago from observing my mom who was unafraid to tackle anything and I try to emulate her. One of the reasons I enjoy being a librarian is because I am able to constantly learn new things just by helping patrons. It's the best of both worlds. The best way to learn is to teach and by helping patrons learn to use library resources I become more proficient myself.The great thing about learning is that one thing leads to another and you end up learning a lot more than you intended. For example, because of all the downloading I've been doing, I've learned the importance of a good spyware program and anti virus program.


Thing 26 The widgets are coming!

Everytime I log on to my blog a new widget appears. They are multiplying and threatening to take over my blog if not the world. They are like blog weeds and I must learn to control them for the health of the rest of my blog. It won't be easy because they are so darn cute but I must be strong. Any suggestions are welcome.


Between you and I, I could care less

I hope you cringed when you read the title of this post because those two phrases are among the most misused by supposedly educated people. Since this is my blog, I decided it's a good place to air a few pet peeves. The correct phrase is "between you and me". I tried to come up with a mnemonic to remember the correct phrase but I couldn't, so just repeat it 10 times and it's yours forever. (That's what the nuns told me.)I did come up with a rhyme to remember to use "I couldn't care less" instead of "I could care less". Here goes: I could care less means I care a bit I couldn't care less means I don't give a ___. Since this is a Library blog you can fill in the blank. Between you and me, I hope this helps but I couldn't care less.

Three Cheers for Mr. Bookman!

Librarian by Arcimboldo

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My Library Stone

My Library Stone