Till Nowak has created a masterpiece “Salad”, digital image of Alien made out of vegetables.

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Thing 11

I signed on to LibraryThing and added several titles. I also added libraryThing blog to my RSS feeds. I think I will get a lot of use out of this because I'm always looking for new authors in the genres I like and I read so much it will help me keep track of what I've already read. I also added Readers Club: Mysteries.


Thing 10

This was difficult at first because I am not very creative or imaginative. Since I first posted that comment I've experimented with a number of image and text generators and been able to add several fun elements to my blog. ..Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
We have all heard about the magical power of beer but this is the first time I've seen it illustrated. Really enjoying the image generators. Get Funny Pictures at pYzam.com

Things 8 and 9

I enjoyed searching for and adding feeds to bloglines and somehow I added some to IE but I'm not sure how. I found an RSS for a library in New York that impressed me because links to reviews are provided in the catalog.You can view my list of feeds at http://www.bloglines.com/public/jessiebarb



There's a program called roboform which saves 20 passwords free and also automatically logs you in and fills in forms. The only downside is that you can only use it on your home computer. I've had it for several years and couldn't function without it.


Thing 7 Why I Love Technology

It is possible that I appreciate the almost instant access to information more than those who didn't have to endure the tediousness of librarianship BT. I always hated the card catalog with its accuracy depending on the whims of who got stuck filing.Finding out what books were in the system took either many phone calls or days of waiting for written replies.A while back a patron came in with a vague description of a book he had read and wanted to reccommend to a friend. He told me it was about a man, born in Ireland who was granted immortal life on the condition that he never leave Manhattan. I found it on google in a second using a few key words and wondered if I would have been able to find it at all without my beloved google. This example may seem very basic but it made one patron and one librarian very happy.


Things 1 and 2

I forgot to list these because one of my major faults is impatience and I couldn't wait to get started on the actual blog. My biggest strengths are that I never give up and I love trying and learning new things. This is already so much fun and I've barely started.

Thing 6 Trading Card

My creation

Thing 5 Johnny Depp about to read a book I'm sure.

Johnny_Depp_16a Johnny_Depp_16a, originally uploaded by skeme66.
This photo makes me very very happy. Could we get him to do a Read Poster? Never used Flickr before. Am I having too much fun with this?Should I serious up?

Had to try it

Just wanted to see if I could upload a picture. This is Katie one of my 5 cats.. She's been more or less in the closet for the past few years but to my delight has finally started coming out. The other cats who are apparently conservatives are not so pleased. Now I'm going out with a good book to enjoy the beautiful weather before I have to go to work.

The Beginning

For me this is the hardest part, because I don't have anything to say yet except I'm here. Most of the other bloggers, with a few exceptions,were clever and original while I am merely sarcastic. I'm really looking forward to the new experiences though.

Librarian by Arcimboldo

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My Library Stone

My Library Stone