Till Nowak has created a masterpiece “Salad”, digital image of Alien made out of vegetables.

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Things 13 and 14

Very del.icio.us but a little filling. Spent more time on these than any other and still have a lot more work to do to become proficient in using del.icio.us and technorati. So far though I've listened to the podcast and read the discovery sources. I've also registered for both, added buttons to my toolbar, imported my bookmarks, added several sites that interest me to del.icio.us as well as tagged 3 favorite Plymc posts. I've also experimented with tagging. I tried tagging my blog but I"m not sure it worked, If not, I'll keep trying. Wow! I just checked and it worked.


Thing 12

I created an account with Rollyo and added the rollbar to my tool bar and seach bar to my blog. Sometimes when I first read the exercises they seem overwhelming but once I start doing them things more or less fall into place although I've had my share of glitches. I also like to go back and explore more in depth once I've got the basics taken care of. I added a few searchrolls just to get started including organic gardening and poker news.

Librarian by Arcimboldo

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My Library Stone

My Library Stone