Till Nowak has created a masterpiece “Salad”, digital image of Alien made out of vegetables.

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Thing 7 Why I Love Technology

It is possible that I appreciate the almost instant access to information more than those who didn't have to endure the tediousness of librarianship BT. I always hated the card catalog with its accuracy depending on the whims of who got stuck filing.Finding out what books were in the system took either many phone calls or days of waiting for written replies.A while back a patron came in with a vague description of a book he had read and wanted to reccommend to a friend. He told me it was about a man, born in Ireland who was granted immortal life on the condition that he never leave Manhattan. I found it on google in a second using a few key words and wondered if I would have been able to find it at all without my beloved google. This example may seem very basic but it made one patron and one librarian very happy.

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Librarian by Arcimboldo

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