Till Nowak has created a masterpiece “Salad”, digital image of Alien made out of vegetables.

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Thing 22

For months I've been meaning to download an audio book on my home computer so that I could be more knowledgeable in explaining to patrons how the process works. Unfortunately Once I got home it completely slipped my mind. Now thanks to #22 I've finally done it and it was quite painless. I was pleasantly surprised to see that many people are taking advantage of the service...several of the titles I wanted to try were unavailable. I haven't transferred the book to my MP3 player because my player is loaded. A second one will come in handy. I also downloaded an e-book for practice even though I personally prefer reading in bed. This exercise has been a motivator in more ways than one.

1 comment:

Namaste said...

Glad you are on to this. We have many of the titles that are on the current best seller list with lots of reserves on the print copies. Hopeh staff becomes more pro-active with recommending different formats.

Librarian by Arcimboldo

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